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Cake and red roses in bouquet

Orders (12)

There is half heart shape chocolate cake from Mr.baker and 12 red roses in bouquet. Choose this gift hamper for your girlfriend. It will be the best gift for her. Order for this absolutely stunning gift hamper for her on a special occasion to make her day with your love. ..


Cake with red roses in bouquet

Orders (1)

Here is half kg black forest cake from well food and 12 pcs red roses in bouquet. You can search many gift hamper but this gift hamper is different. This different gift hamper make more different moment in your This gift hamper make a perfect combination together for gifting. Just bring smile to your love ones face and make moments s..


Cake with red roses in vase

Orders (0)

On this gift hamper 3 pcs red roses in vase ( vase design may vary ) and half kg tiamaria cake from coopers. This really perfect gift hamper for lovers. Sending This gift hamper is probably the best way to catch a your special someones eye. Its would talk about your deepest feelings of love and care. ..


Cake with teddy bear and red roses in bouquet

Orders (0)

Have here 2 pounds vanilla cake from well food, 6 inch brown teddy bear and 12 pcs red roses in bouquet. Make one of the best day of your dear ones by this gift hamper. This is the perfect way to impress your dear with this gift hamper. So its the best gift to show feelings in your heart...


Chocolate basket and red roses

Orders (0)

This package includes: 4 pieces dairy milk silk 65gm, 2 pieces mars 51 gm, 2 pieces kitkate 37 gm and 2 pieces 5star decorated in basket with 12 pieces red roses in bouquet. ( basket color and design may very ).Free delivery inside Dhaka city..


Chocolate cake w/ birthday balloons and red roses

Orders (1)

There amazing gifts hamper is 1 kg chocolate cake from cooper's, 3 pieces birthday mylar balloons ( balloons color and design may vary ) and 6 pieces red roses. This gifts combination looks very cheerful and every lovers likes this hamper very much. If you give this gifts definitely she will be a big surprised. ..


Chocolates and red rose

Orders (0)

Extraordinary gifts is 16 pieces  Ferrero rocher chocolates and single red rose. This is the best of gifts hamper for any occasion or any day. ..


Chocolates and red rose

Orders (0)

The delightful gifts is 12 pieces red rose in box and 6 pieces ferrero rocher chocolates. Surprise your special someone this day with the perfect, balanced match between sweetness chocolates and gorgeous red roses. This arrangement is perfect for show your feelings with this gifts special on your lover day...


Chocolates w/ red roses and photo mug

Orders (1)

Attractive gifts is photo mug, 6 pieces  ferrero rocher chocolates and 12 pieces red roses in vase. This gift hamper Make more gladness memorable day with your beloved in any occasion. Even with this gift you can enjoy a nice day with your family happily. ..



Orders (0)

This awesome package is 16 pcs ferrero rocher chocolates, 12 pcs red roses in bouquet and jewelry box.Free delivery inside Dhaka city..


Chomchom, Chocolate lady round cake and red roses

Orders (1)

1 kg chomchom from Rosh, chocolate lady round cake from Tasty treat and 6 pieces red roses in bouquet. This gift hamper is very special for special persons. You can surprise this hamper of your beloved. Please place your order minimum 1 day before of delivery. Same day delivery is accepted if order receive before 10 am morning on the delivery ..


Cream jam, sponge roshogolla and red roses

Orders (0)

A wonderful 1 kg cream jam, 1 kg sponge roshogolla from Rosh and 6 pieces red rose. This amazing gifts hamper makes your lovers day very special. Send this sweetness gift and enjoy together. Rosh sweets is available only for Dhaka city. Provider may be differ for the other cities...


Delight gift hamper

Orders (0)

Its looking very nice and lovely gift hamper. You can melt your love ones by this gift hamper. just pump your dear ones heart by sending this very lovely gift hamper and you can sure that he or she will be very happy. There is 12 pcs red roses in vase ( vase design may vary ), new year card 9 card design may vary ), 2 pcs snickers chocolates. ..


Doi, normal chomchom and red roses

Orders (0)

1 kg doi, 1 kg normal chomchom from Banoful and 12 pieces red roses in bouquet. If you are planning to buy a sweetness gift for some special occasion, this Gift Hamper would be just perfect. So send this gift and spend more special day. Bonoful sweets is available only for Dhaka city. Provider may be differ for the other cities...


Fabulous birthday gift hamper

Orders (0)

You can have here 24 pcs red rose in basket, 6 pcs ferrero rocher chocolates and birthday card ( card design may vary ). Keep smile of your dear ones face by this lovely gift hamper on his or her birthday. So this is the best time to gift him or her with this gift hamper...

Showing 76 to 90 of 160 (11 Pages)